
Darth Jar Jar deck.pdf

File history uploaded by DarthKaos81 9 years, 1 month ago

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Comments (14)

DarthKaos81 said

at 11:40 pm on Jan 7, 2016

Hey guys this deck has not been play tested. This is based off of the theory that Jar Jar may have been a sith all along. Any feedback would be appreciated I also have a Savage Opress deck that I made a while back. Any feedback on that is more than welcomed. I am open to adjusting my decks and making them for competitive play. That is why feedback is welcomed. Thank you and enjoy.

Darth Wolverine said

at 12:11 am on Jan 8, 2016

I'm not going to lie, I love the idea of him discarding special cards and it making him stronger as the game goes on. I wish it was for a legitimate character and not a stupid fan joke (theory is really stretching the meaning of the word).

Objectively, I think the Red Deck works against the general theme of the deck; Red Decks have very poor defense and this deck's strength is in it's long game. You might want to consider switching to a Green Deck.

DarthKaos81 said

at 12:21 am on Jan 8, 2016

Hey Darth Wolverine thanks for the input a green deck would work well with this concept. As for Darth Jar Jar I just wanted to make a deck that hadn't been made before. Even if it is based off a theory ( I know theory is a bit of a stretch) I was planning to make a Snoke deck with this concept initially and I possibly still will even though there is a lack of real knowledge about the Snoke.

DarthKaos81 said

at 12:33 am on Jan 8, 2016

Darth Wolverine I went with what you said and made a revised version. It is now a green deck you can find it under the recent activity section.

Chumly_Spamalot said

at 6:00 am on Jan 8, 2016

I really like this deck. I think the mechanic is pretty cool and original, which is fun. However, there is one potential change I'd make beyond the Red deck to Green deck bit. Namely, if this deck runs into a deck like Darth Maul (a deck with no specials) it could have problems. Against decks that only have 3-5 special cards this deck will have a tough time doing damage/defending itself. I'd recommend adding Power Combat cards to the mix as well. That gives it a more even power level (as every deck has 12 total talent cards). So the wording on "Yousa Weak" would read something like "The attack of this card is equal to the number of talent cards in the defender's discard pile..."

Just a small tweak that I think would make this deck playable against any other deck.

DarthKaos81 said

at 2:34 pm on Jan 8, 2016

Hey Chummy thanks for the review. When I put "special" I meant it for all "talent" cards I just wasn't sure what the proper wording was for those cards. But now that I know I will make a revised version and replace the "special" for "talent". I'll be sure to do that later on tonight I'm really appreciate the input my goal is was to make a playable deck and you guys have helped. This is only the 2nd deck I have created the 1st was a savage opress deck 2 years back. I'm planning to make more decks as well. If you guys ever have time to checkout the savage opress deck please do and let me know what you guys think. Thank you :)

Chumly_Spamalot said

at 4:16 pm on Jan 8, 2016

Okay. I kind of figured that was the case, I just wanted to make sure. :)

Cbgssya said

at 10:13 am on Jan 9, 2016

This deck is very interesting and powerful. I do agree that the "talent" rather than "special" will be better. I love that you took a cool mechanic and turned it into a fun and captivating deck.

DarthKaos81 said

at 10:05 pm on Jan 9, 2016

Ok guys so I finally revised it as promised I added two talent cards and took 2 special cards out. Let me know what you guys think about the revision. It is now a green deck, I fixed the "talent" issue, and like I mentioned before I replaced two special cards with talent cards to give this deck a little more offense. I took out one "Mesa no fool" card and the only "Desa mesa servant" card and replaced them with a new card called "Mesa strong with the force". I am open to more revising let me know what you guys think and thanks for the feedback very much appreciated :)

umondy said

at 4:54 am on Jul 31, 2016

We now play tested it several times. Here is my feedback.
1st of all I like the deck idea and the concept of the deck is great. There are just a few things I think could be improved.
- The looks of the deck is pretty cool, unfortunately all the images are way to dark. So when I printed them most of the details got lost. You should brighten all the images, then the look of the deck will really be great.
- During the .pdf creation there was a fuck up by the editor with the card names, this happens to me once in a while also. So many of the card names are just not really readable.
- In some cases the special rules text on the cards is too long and gets cut off.
- Some of the cards are just to wordy and I'm not sure it is necessary all the time. I admit I struggle with wording all the time so I do understand how hard it is sometimes but I beleive a card like MESA STRONG WITH THE FORCE could have less and maybe even more clear wording.

umondy said

at 4:56 am on Jul 31, 2016

- The GO TO attack for Jar Jar is YOUSA WEAK but you really have to survive a long time and MANY talnt cards from your opponents until it has an at least half way decent attack value. I love the idea of the card but you have to at least survive 5-6 talent cards from your opponent to have a attack worth playing. I think that fact makes this card really weak. The draw cards stipulation of this card makes no sense either and only ads needless wording as you absolutely know how many talent cards your opponent has in his discard pile (or at least if he has any at all). And I don't think you would throw that card away just for the right to draw two extra cards. The only card you could hope for then would be MESA STRONG WITH THE FORCE. But the risk in getting something much more useless outweighs any benefit in my opinion. What about giving MSWTF at least a minimum attack value of, lets say 3 and any talent cards in the discard pile add up to that leveling off at an additional value of 5...so the minimum would be A3 and the maximum A8? I beleive this would make this card much more useful.
- At last, I think MASTER OF EVASION is a pretty cool card but I don't know if it is really necessary to have three of them. I would much rather have one less defense and one power attack card, so Jar Jar gets the ability to actually finish somebody of. He even has a green deck with very few punch, so this would help him out a big deal.
Sooo, I think that's all for now? Hope this helps to make you deck even more enjoyable and fun to play. I appreciate all the effort and really like the way this deck is evolving. Thanks for contributing to ED.

umondy said

at 1:28 pm on Jul 31, 2016

Just relized two more things. The first one I'm not sure about. Which is you actual version, as there is a file in the Download section of the wiki that is called "Darth Jar Jar (revised) but the download link on this site is to the other Darth Jar Jar file.
Second, the wording for MASTER OF MANIPULATION is not crytal clear. I choose an opponent and if he doesn't posses any talent card, the opponent receives damage. But which character of that opponent? If DD is involved I beleive this always shoul include a line of sight to that character. So it should be more like you choose an opponent Jar Jar could attack at range and take a look at that players hand and if there are no talent cards THAT character takes the damage.
You know what I mean?

umondy said

at 3:47 am on Jan 11, 2016

Hahaha, yeah this deck looks awesome. Definately looking forward to play test it.

bjthebard said

at 9:47 pm on Nov 1, 2021

Hey Darth Kaos, this is a cool deck! I love the sillier characters lol and it has a great new mechanic. I think I might build off of this deck a little bit, I was considering making a Darth Jar Jar deck just for some fun but I think I will tweak it a little to have the minor characters be two Corrupt Senators. I'm going to try to lean more into the parts of the "theory" that make sense like him manipulating the senate, feigning incompetence, and strengthening other dark side characters.

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