
Starkiller & Juno Eclipse.pdf

File history uploaded by umondy 8 years, 1 month ago

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Comments (2)

umondy said

at 9:16 am on Jan 25, 2016

As both actual Starkiller decks are not working I deceided to take matters into my own hands. I created my own deck which is totally inspired by Jagon Fel's "The Secret Apprentice" deck he posted in 2008 at the ED forum. As you will realize the deck contains three to many special cards. Jagon deceided to get rid of Force Lightning and put in Maelstrom and Force Repulse instead. I do like both specials but got the feeling they are to equal and preffer Force Lightning instead of Maelstrom. Anyway I left both special card in, so you can deceide for yourself wich version you like the best.
Have fun.

umondy said

at 1:46 pm on Feb 29, 2016

Okay, play tested it. Didn't like it at all and now hopefully fixed it. This deck was absolutely missing power attack cards of any sort. Many of the specials were to similar and Juno was no threat AT ALL. I tried to fix all the problems. The deck is pretty similar to Yodas original deck idea with some major differences. Where Yoda is very strong in defense Starkiller is strong in offense. No power defense cards, way more offense wth a red deck and more DD than Yoda. So it's in some way an offensive minded Yoda deck idea :)

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