
EU Thrawn Errata.pdf

File history uploaded by Freaky Mutant Man 7 years, 9 months ago

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Comments (1)

Freaky Mutant Man said

at 5:22 pm on Jul 16, 2016

To commemorate the return of Grand Admiral Thrawn to Star Wars canon (appearing first in season 3 of Star Wars Rebels, later to be featured in a new novel by Timothy Zahn), here's a version of Thrawn with errata incorporated onto the cards, made a little while ago while I was reading through the Thrawn Trilogy for the first time. Previously, this errata could only be found on the EU Expansion site, which wasn't exactly convenient. There's also a few wording changes, some to get around limitations of Deck Designer and others just for personal preference; none should impact the functionality of the deck.

I may or may not create an alternate new canon version of Thrawn at some point in the future, once we see more of him in Rebels and the new book; after all, Ysalamiri have been explicitly confirmed non-canon and I have my doubts that we'll be seeing much Noghri in the new canon, or at least not Rukh in particular. For now, though, the EU Expansion deck is just fine.

For those who haven't seen it, here's the Rebels season 3 trailer featuring Thrawn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmXp802sFgQ

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