
Alliance Commander

Page history last edited by turkeyfett 4 years, 5 months ago

Alliance Commander


The Alliance Commander is the playable character in the SWTOR (Star Wars the Old Republic) video game.  For more on the Alliance Commander, go here.


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Comments (1)

turkeyfett said

at 6:14 pm on Aug 17, 2020

I feel like I have to explain this one. SWTOR has 8 different classes that you can play as, with each being a distinct character with separate storylines. However in the expansions, they basically all merge into 1 storyline & they're called the Alliance Commander. Since each of the 8 characters have ambiguous/unclear canon names, they're consolidated onto this 1 page instead of having 8 separate pages (note that Darth Nox was created months beforehand & has a separate page). If the moderators disagree with how I did this, then let me know & I can put them into separate pages instead.

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