

Page history last edited by isutton007 1 year, 5 months ago



A droid bounty hunter. 4-LOM was part of the large group of bounty hunters assembled and hired by The Empire to hunt down the Millennium Falcon in Episode V. 4-LOM teamed up with Zuckuss, but unfortunately Boba Fett beat them to the bounty. For more on 4-LOM go here.


Printable Decks:












Begin your comment with the name and maker of the deck, so everyone knows which deck you are writing about.


Comments (2)

Anonymous said

at 3:26 pm on Jul 3, 2008

Thoughts on Raistlin's deck: We like this deck alot. It captures Jabba well, and it falls in the mid power range of decks. The only issue with the deck is that some of the cards are not easy/clear. If you are playing with veterans then you'll have no problems interperating all the different combinations that can occur. But for new players this deck can sometimes be confusing. That isn't to say that I would change it. I like the way the deck plays, just a warning. Not recommended as your first expansion deck.

Raistlin said

at 5:37 am on Feb 28, 2009

About P.R. Kington's Zuckuss and 4-LOM deck: I liked the idea of this bounty hunter deck, but I found it a bit on the weak side, so I changed it as reported in the note above.

Note about my personal tweaks on customs: Dengar replaces Zuckuss as the major, Zuckuss replaces 4-LOM as the minor (I did this only because 4-LOM appears already in my Jabba deck and I like the possibility to play eventually Jabba and all the bounty hunters together); 'Cognitive Vision' is x3 copies and it has 'Move Dengar to any empty space'; 'Bola Snare' has 'All characters adjacent to that character take 3 damage'.

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