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Component Design

Page history last edited by CRFR787 1 year, 8 months ago

Component Design


This section contains articles and pages about the theory and practice of deck, map, and figure design, as well as any other imaginable aspects of Epic Duels add-on materials. If you are looking for different ways to play, consider the House Rules section.


The resources below are broken into the following categories: Deck Design, which deals primiarly with tools and strategies for coming up with the cards themselves; Card Design, which deals with actually constructing the card images and turning them into physical cards; VASSAL Specific, which details resources exclusive to VASSAL extension development; and Other/Reference, which contains things like listings of Hasbro decks, analysis of terminolgy, and Sultan of Dorkistan's excellent Design This! series.  If you'd like to make some contributions to the wiki, please read this first.






     --> Requires Photoshop to open**. All text is editable and no special fonts are needed.

     --> With a simple color change using something basic like the Hue/Saturation and character's name and image change, new character cards can be easily generated.


     --> There is a 0.125inch bleed all around to account for any printing alignment issues and cutting.

     --> The resolution is 300 ppi so the print quality should come out decent and a corner rounder tool can be used to make the cards look as close to the original game cards as possible.



     --> Requires Photoshop to open**. Coolvetica font is required...it's available for free on dafont. Download and install it before opening this .psd file.

     --> Changing the character's name and image and the color(using something like Hue/Saturation) is easy.

     --> The HP is not part of the static image and is fully customizable. It can be toggled on and off













  • note: also see the Reference section of this wiki for more.
  • Card Wordings Text conventions in Hasbro cards and editing mistakes
  • Card Text Word for word transcription of the text on all cards in all decks
  • Combinatorics in Epic Duels by volleyballgy
  • ED Deck Analysis by Moonsylver. The original definitive work, this document doesn't so much advise on how to design decks as break down and analyze the Hasbro dozen. In the Files area of the main Epic Duels Yahoo group.
  • ED Specials Breakdown is a spreadsheet that allows you to quickly sort the Hasbro talent cards by a variety of criteria. In the Files area of the main Epic Duels Yahoo group.
  • File Hosts for storing files so you can link them to the Wiki.


Comments (2)

umondy said

at 8:36 am on Mar 16, 2019

Combinatorics in Epic Duels by volleyballgy link is dead. Anybody got this article to restore it?

umondy said

at 1:26 am on May 6, 2020

It seems like Dorkistans templates are not working anymore. I even went to his site to look for them but there the link to the templates also was dead. If anybody knows how to reach him, him may would be so kind to fix that.

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