
Grand Admiral Thrawn

Page history last edited by CRFR787 2 years, 11 months ago

Grand Admiral Thrawn


A calculating member of the Chiss race, Thrawn (also known as Mitth'raw'nuruodo) is the only non-human to have obtained a commanding rank in the Empire's navy. After returning from a long-term mission in the Outer Reaches, Thrawn finds the Empire overthrown, the New Republic fighting for its early existence, and an excellent opportunity to rule the galaxy on his own terms. For more on Grand Admiral Thrawn go here.


Printable Decks:



  • EU Thrawn w/ Errata by Freaky Mutant Man: Same deck as above, but with errata incorporated and some wording changes to get around limitations of Deck Designer.







  • Grand Admiral Thrawn and Rukh by EU Expansion (missing link)



Begin your comment with the name and maker of the deck, so everyone knows which deck you are writing about.


Comments (5)

Anonymous said

at 4:45 pm on Jul 2, 2008

A strong shooter deck! I love this deck. It can hang with the melee monsters. It is still somewhat fragile as shooters tend to be, but both the major and minor have ways to make the enemy pay. I recommend this deck to new expansion players.

Darth Trumpetus said

at 8:01 am on Feb 7, 2009

The EU Thrawn deck exists as a very strong shooter, equal in power to the likes of Mace/Dooku/Anakin. He does particularly well against jedi and deck with power defense. Insightful Attack is new and unique concept that plays out pretty well.

umondy said

at 10:08 am on Feb 1, 2016

What miniature is the one used for Rukh? Can't find the miniature.

Roman F said

at 11:32 am on Feb 1, 2016

There's a Noghri Star Wars Miniature.

umondy said

at 11:43 am on Feb 1, 2016

Thanks, I'll try to find it online.

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