
Lando Calrissian

Page history last edited by umondy 4 years ago

Lando Calrissian


A cardplayer, scoundrel, old pal of Han Solo, and Administrator of Cloud City. He was the past owner of Solo's spaceship, Millenium Falcon (lost in a card game to Solo), and sold out his old pal to avoid interference from the Empire in his questionable mining activities. For more information on this reluctant hero of the Rebellion, go here.


Printable Decks:


























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Comments (1)

Darth Trumpetus said

at 8:35 am on Feb 7, 2009

If there is any deck that I'm actually proud of, it's my Lando deck. One of the first custom decks I ever printed off was Justin's from the ED yahoo group. I gave it a spin and was a little disappointed. I eventually started designing my own decks as a result. And after a few other decks, I went to work on developing Lando. I admittedly stole a few ideas from a long-lost Shockley version of Lando, but the die-rolling mechanic was all my idea. It took some testing to get the values to balance right, but I think it works perfectly.

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