
Nom Anor

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Nom Anor


The Yuuzhan Vong first appeared in the Star Wars galaxy with Nom Anor, a brilliant bio-engineer, and subtle political manipulator. But don't be fooled, Nom is as dangerous as he is alien. For more on Nom Anor, go here.


Printable Decks









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Comments (1)

Darth Trumpetus said

at 8:42 am on Feb 7, 2009

EU Deck: This falls into the category of a "weird" deck. That doesn't mean it's bad though. In fact, I think there are a lot of really interesting combos to try to pull off with this deck. There was an earlier version of this deck that broke a lot of ED conventions and was even weirder, so this was the toned down version. For an alien species that almost takes over the world, this is a good deck.

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