

Page history last edited by OBI_WAN_JOHN 2 years, 11 months ago



This section is for anything pertaining to the rules of the game, be it the official Hasbro rulebook, house rules, or rules interpretations.  If you'd like to make some contributions to the wiki, please read this first.


  • Answerless FAQ: interpretations of cards and situations for which there is no clear cut answer in the rulebook.


  • Epic Duels FAQ (offsite link): official answers about many burning questions


  • Hasbro Rulebook: Have a dispute and no official rulebook handy?  Here's a PDF of the actual rulebook!


  • House Rules: a listing of some of the more common, custom rules changes.


  • Epic Duels Handicap System by OWJ: I have developed a handicap for all 66 Epic Duels Matchups to make the duels more even.  I thought it would be better to do this than change the decks that we are all familiar with.  






Comments (5)

Tokyotalks2much said

at 8:11 am on Jul 20, 2014

I just got this game and my friends and I already have questions regarding some of the rules. I was hoping to join and get some of them cleared up.

For instance and this may be obvious, can you place your attack card face down and play a special card that can be played "anytime" and resolve it before they play a defense card?


at 7:57 am on Jan 7, 2022

I would love some feedback on my Handicap system. This one differs to the system I did with DT years ago. In this system, in the vast majority of cases, only the Major characters HP is changed. Some parameters I used was no characters HP could go higher then 22 and no higher than 20 versus Yoda. As I was doing it, Yoda had to be dealt with in a different way due to lack of speed and the inability to finish off enemies.


at 8:00 am on Jan 7, 2022

it's important to note, with this system, the player controlling the handicap character gets to choose first move or board position. This is really important as it allows for the maps to be considered in the equation.


at 8:24 am on Jan 7, 2022

...and to finish my thought, "and further aids the handicap character.". For example, Darth Maul only has a 1 HP handicap against Obi-Wan. It's not really that much. But, if Maul gets to the 1st move in the game, he potentially gets 1 added turn. The 1st Turn/Set-up choice coupled with the handicap makes the system work.


at 1:13 pm on Jan 13, 2022

I've made some adjustments to the Handicaps. It is still a work-in-progress. Keep checking back for updates.

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